JuicyFi Network Disclaimer
JuicyFi Network solely serves as a platform for creators to publish their creations and enables creators to issue their own Juice (access key). Each user can purchase Juice (access key) to gain access to creator content. The Juice (access key) is not considered a financial product, investment, or wealth management product, and it is not intended for investment purposes. Additionally, we utilize smart contracts and blockchain technology to ensure users have sufficient liquidity and facilitate transparent and predetermined transactions of access keys.
Creators retain full ownership of their creations, and fans retain full ownership of their posts on JuicyFi, but grant JuicyFi permission to use them as part of JuicyFi’s services to ensure that users have permission to post their creations. Therefore, it will not lead to any intellectual property infringement or disputes. Purchasing Juice (access key) to access exclusive content from creators does not imply exclusive or proprietary rights to that content. Furthermore, this platform is not liable for any intellectual property disputes between creators and users or any other third-party legal disputes.
Users of this platform should familiarize themselves with the laws and government policies of their residing country or region. Users should understand and acknowledge the potential risks associated with this platform or related works, including potential violations of laws, regulations, or government policies of their country or region. In the event of any legal issues or illegitimate risks, users shall bear sole responsibility.